Jul 20, 2015 · Disclaimer: the possibility and effectiveness of any such change may vary by region and ISP. You can check the possibility of changing by using the OpenDNS site (see below): open a terminal and enter. nslookup -type=txt debug.opendns.com. LAN change. To set up static DNS for the entire LAN, you need to change the settings in your
DNSCrypt comes pre-configured for OpenDNS, although the --resolver-address=
Also, have you tried forcing the updater to update your IP address . Have you restarted the home hub to force an IP address change so that the routing avoids the DNS intercept, and to clear the hubs DNS cache, and then restarted your PC? There may be more solutions on the OpenDNS forums.
IP address - Usually, your device's IP address will be "192.168.1.X" (or a similar set of numbers), wherein "X" is specific to your device. Change the "X" value to a number between 1 and 100. Make sure you don't use the same IP address as another device on your network (e.g., your phone). OpenDNS settings apply to every device — laptops, smartphones, tablets, DVRs, game consoles, TVs, literally anything that connects to the internet from your home network. Not to mention, we're one of the world's leading DNS service providers, meaning you'll experience faster internet speeds as well.
Stop redirections to Website-unavailable.com and remove Open DNS Guide DNS IP settings. Website-unavailable.com is often referred to as an internet browser hijacker because many people have found that website-unavailable.com (Open DNS Guide) has changed their Home Page to website-unavailable.com, Provided Search Engine to website-unavailable.com, and/or your computer systems DNS IP address.