Jun 20, 2014 · netsh int ipv6 isatap set state disabled netsh int ipv6 6to4 set state disabled. You can also disable Teredo/isatap(Tunnel) adapter using the below command: netsh interface teredo set state disable netsh interface isatap state disable. Thanks, Winteladmin

Apr 24, 2012 · 2/25/2012 1:26 Microsoft-Windows-Iphlpsvc 4200 None Isatap interface isatap.{D4E20B45-B4F1-4414-BED1-1BA8 F1B0E72D} with address fe80::5efe: has been brought up. 2/25/2012 1:26 Service Control Manager 7036 None The Cluster Service service entered the running state. May 11, 2017 · ISATAP can be very useful if you need to manage out from a machine with an IPv4 address to a machine with an IPv6 address. This is commonly used where DirectAccess has been deployed as all DA clients will be using IPv6. Sep 13, 2018 · ISATAP subnets — An ISATAP subnet is a portion of an IPv4-only network on which ISATAP will be used for IPv6-over-IPv4 tunneling. ISATAP hosts — An ISATAP host has an ISATAP tunneling interface, which it can use communicate with other ISATAP hosts on the same ISATAP subnet. ISATAP uses a tunneling approach to transport IPv6 traffic across an existing IPv4 infrastructure by encapsulating IPv6 packets with an IPv4 header. ISATAP-based connectivity can immediately be used to deliver IPv6 services while the IPv4-only infrastructure is gradually migrated to integrate native IPv6 capabilities. A Link Local ISATAP address is sufficient to act as a ISATAP router because the default route on ISATAP hosts always points to the Link Local ISATAP address of the ISATAP router. There are no global routable ISATAP addresses (200x::5EFE:'IPv4 address') generated for the virtual IP addresses. This is expected.

---- If the ISATAP name is resolved successfully, then ISATAP is configured with a link-local address and an address for each prefix received from the ISATAP router through stateless address auto-configuration.---- If the ISATAP name is not resolved successfully, then the ISATAP interface is configured with a link-local address.-- Disabled.

ISATAP隧道配置-海风-51CTO博客 2016-6-6 · netsh interface ipv6>isatap netshinte ©著作权归作者所有:来自51CTO博客作者gzyyy001 的原创作品,如需转载,请注明出处,否则将追究法律责任 IPv6 隧道 0 分享 微博 QQ 微信 收藏 上一篇:IPv6与IPv4互访 gzyyy001 5篇文章,1W+人气,0粉丝 Windows Server 2012 : Configuring IPv6/IPv4 ISATAP subnets An ISATAP subnet is a portion of an IPv4-only network on which ISATAP will be used for IPv6-over-IPv4 tunneling.. ISATAP hosts An ISATAP host has an ISATAP tunneling interface, which it can use communicate with other ISATAP hosts on the same ISATAP subnet. Windows computers can function as ISATAP hosts using either link-local, unique-local, or global ISATAP addresses.

Example for Configuring an ISATAP Tunnel - S2750, S5700

清华上交华科校园网通过isatap隧道访问ipv6 - 知乎 2019-8-22 · 北邮人bt,六维空间等bt站给校园生活带来了极大的便利,但是访问这些网站需要ipv6支持。如果你在清华、上海交大或者华中科技大,使用校园网却访问不了ipv6网络,那么你可以通过设置isatap隧道来访问ipv6。windows… ipv6 isatap隧道设置_百度文库 2011-4-7 · ipv6 isatap 隧道设置(ipv6 设置方法不唯一,只是此方法很通用,若大家要其他方法,我可 以尽量写新的方法) : 具体设置如下: xp 系统需首先安装 ipv6 批处理协议! 闲谈IPv6-6to4隧道和ISATAP隧道_夏末的博客 … 2019-3-19 · ISATAP隧道点IP地址是 isatap.sjtu.edu.cn 用户设置isatap隧道的终结点router为 isatap.sjtu.edu.cn Windows XP/2003 设置如下: C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator>netsh netsh>int netsh interface>ipv6 netsh interface>i